Discover the highlights where our dealers engage with manufacturing industry leaders, explore new technologies, and experience unique culture in Taiwan Trip.
Key things to note for the proposed Budget 2023 for you manufacturers are the following: a reduction in MSME income tax rate; a tax incentive for manufacturing EV charging equipment; a tax incentive for food production projects; and accelerated capital…
EPLA has transformed from a traditional manufacturing model to a green factory, and has joined hands with Force Tech to achieve the goal of ESG sustainable development.
Ginfong implemented digital systems, ERP and SFT systems to embark on digital transformation, and its gross profit margin increased from 23% to 34%.
Date: 10 Mar 2023 (Fri)
Time: 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Language: English
Xinfuer adopted "Digiwin AIoT Cloud" to improve production efficiency and market competitiveness by building machine data networks and IT/OT data.
Date: 22 Mar 2023 (Wed)
Time: 9.30AM -12:00PM
Venue: Zoom
Language: English
Are you looking for an affordable, lightweight system to start digitalising your factory? Digiwin AIoT Cloud is the best tool for you! Digital transformation is not a slogan but a must-do for manufacturers. Join our free webinar to learn more about the to-dos and how this cloud application might help you.
Since digitalised, they manage accounts and production simultaneously with SFT. They see improvement in machine utilization rate, order delivery rate and customer satisfaction.
鼎捷马来西亚与当地财会软体专家MS Soft Solution强强联手,为金属制造商TBL导入现场管理系统:SFT (Shop Floor Tracking ),让企业透过数据全方位掌握营运状况。系统在2个月内快速上线,也立即在机台稼动率、订单准交率、客户满意度上显现效益。